Learning Joy Success
The move from one school to the next is a major step in a child’s life. We will work closely with your child's current school, wherever that might be, to ensure that this process is managed as smoothly as possible.
We welcome visits from parents considering moving their child to our school at any time of the year. In addition to this flexible approach, we also host dedicated 'Open Mornings' for prospective Year 3 parents in November and January each year.
The school office staff will be very happy to provide you with additional details and/or to organise an individual tour.
Admissions for the start of Year 3
Hampshire County Council is the admission authority for our school. The admission arrangements are determined by the County Council after consultation. Hampshire will consider all applications for Year 2 to Year 3 transfer in accordance with their latest Admissions Policy (see below).
More information about Hampshire school admissions, including details of the appeal process, can be found here.
Admissions at all other times
Recent changes to admissions now means that those not involving children in Years 2 or 6 for the following September are now once again the responsibility of the school to process in accordance with their admission policy.
If you are interested in a place for your child at our school and are in any doubt about the process, please do not hesitate to contact the school office for advice.