
Lymington Junior School

Learning Joy Success

The Headteacher's Blog

Mr T’s Weekly Review

Mr T’s Weekly Review: Monday 29th April to Friday 3rd May


Last week started off with one of the highlights of the school year, class photos. It was lovely as always to see so many super-smart people looking great after spending that little extra time in front of the mirror before school…and that was just the staff! 😊


You should have received information on how to purchase class photographs if you would like to. If not, please don’t hesitate to speak to Bev in the office.


The rest of the week was as busy and successful as always. I love the summer term for many reasons, most of them being linked to the weather. One such reason is the amount of sport that is available for the children to take part in and, once again, our teams did an amazing job!


Congratulations this week goes to our athletes. Children from Years 3 and 4 took part in Cross Country running on Tuesday and children from Years 5 and 6 took part in various athletics events on Wednesday. Both groups did incredibly well and represented the school brilliantly. Well done everyone!


Thank you once again for your patience with our assessment launch in Arbor last week. We’re really hoping that once we get any teething problems ironed out – and we’re able to help everyone understand what the information means (future parents’ evenings will be great for this) – that it will be a really useful way for you to keep up to date with the progress your child is making in school. 


Finally, I hope you all had a wonderful Bank Holiday weekend!



Mr T’s Weekly Review: Monday 22nd April to Friday 26th April


Last week was another great week in the life of LJS!


The week started off with local visits for the children in the Upper School. Year 5 visited Lymington Library and Year 6 visited St Barbe’s museum to learn about how seaside Holidays have changed over the years. I was really proud to hear that staff received lots of compliments about the children’s attitude, enthusiasm and behaviour at the library/museum and also on the journey to/from school. Well done everyone!


Not to be out done by our amazing Upper School Hockey players’ achievements the week before, it was the turn of the Lower School children on Wednesday. Once again the children played really well; worked incredibly hard as a team and had great fun whilst also finishing unbeaten (1 draw and 3 wins) to claim second place overall. Brilliant achievements all round!


Finally, the week was rounded off by an amazing class assembly from the children of 5C who confidently showcased the wonderful variety of subjects they have learnt about so far this academic year.  Well done everyone: great work!


Mr T’s Weekly Review: 15th to 19th April


The children settled back into school really well last week following the Easter Holiday which, as usual, was brilliant to see. I’m super proud of them and the staff team for creating an environment which is so easy to come back to; even after two weeks of fun. Great work all round!


Our assembly theme last week was Online safety. We talk to the children lots about this throughout the year in a range of ways during assemblies; Computing/PSHE sessions and/or when related incidents occur. It is one of the biggest, and fastest moving, challenges that we want and need to help the children learn strategies for in order to keep themselves safe in all the related ways. Should you ever require additional information linked to Online Safety (or anything else related to the children’s wellbeing for that matter) please don’t hesitate to contact Mrs Rose either on the gate each morning or via the School Office.


Last week was also a great week for LJS Sport. HUGE congratulations go to our lower school Hockey players and Golfers. Both teams did exceptionally well as usual with the Hockey team coming 3rd! They won lots of their games; represented the school brilliantly as always and had great fun while doing so. Exactly what our school is all about. Well done everyone involved!


Finally for this week, a HUGE thank you to the Friends of the School for securing grant funding to enable the building of our lovely new bike/scooter shelter! It’s great to see it already being used by so many families. If you haven’t seen it yet, it’s just to the right of the building as you look towards the school office. A lovely resource for us to use for many years to come. Thank you all involved!


Here’s to more learning; joy; success and (hopefully) dry weather to come next week…!




Mr T’s Weekly Review: 25th to 28th March 2024


Welcome back! The staff and I hope that you all had a lovely Easter Holiday and that your plans weren’t spoilt by the weather. Fingers crossed the sun comes out, and stays out, now we are in the summer term…!!


I always find that it’s with mixed emotions that I enter the summer term. On the one hand, excitement for what’s to come but on the other conscious that we’ll soon be saying goodbye to our current Year 6 group. Here’s to a great 14 weeks or so before we have to face that though..!


Now to round up last term: The final week saw our amazing Year 4/5 production.  This year’s theme was the ‘Greatest Showman’ and the children really did put on a great show! The singing was, as usual, absolutely amazing but the thing that always impresses me most is the way that 128 children can work so seamlessly well with each other. This of course comes down to the awesome teamwork between the children but also with the amazing staff teams involved. Huge thanks to each and every one of them. Brilliant entertainment!


In other news…Year 3 enjoyed an exciting trip to Hillier gardens. This was linked to the work they had been doing in Art. Despite the rain, the children and staff had an amazing day and represented the school brilliantly. Well done Team Year 3!


The final week ended with what is always a personal highlight for me, the termly Rocksteady concert. A HUGE ‘well done’ to our RockStars of the future for the time and effort that has gone into learning their instruments/song words in order to entertain us all so brilliantly. A wonderful way to end the last week of term!




Mr T’s Weekly Review: 18th to 22nd March


As we continue to race towards the Easter Holiday, we have reached the final weekly review this side of the summer term…but don’t worry, I will update everyone regarding this week’s events when we come back on Monday 15th April.


As usual, last week was another eventful one at LJS. A MASSIVE ‘well done’ first of all to the Year 5/6 Netballers who took part in the pyramid sports competition on Wednesday. I’m reliably informed that the children played really well as a team; had lots of fun and represented the school wonderfully well: exactly what the event is about. Well done everyone!


Year 6 had a visit from the PCSO on Friday as part of their Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) programme. The PCSOs looked at various ways of avoiding and combatting anti-social behaviour in the community. As always, the children were a credit to themselves and the school, engaging in the sessions with enthusiasm and great maturity. The staff and I were very proud of them all!


Finally, you’ve probably noticed some building work currently going on near the staff car park. I am delighted to report that the Friends of the school have managed to secure funding from the local authority for a new bike and scooter shelter. Not only will this provide a valuable resource for any and all site users wishing to travel to/from the site in these ways, it also hasn’t cost us a penny to build. Great result all round: HUGE thanks to the Friends of our School for arranging it!


I hope you all have a great Easter Holiday. Fingers crossed the sun comes out for us all..! 



Mr T’s Weekly Review:  11th to 15th March 2024

I can’t believe we’ve reached the start of our last full week of the Spring Term…time is running away with us as always!


We had another jampacked week in school last week. In addition to all the great in-class learning, Year 6 and Year 4 visited the library. It was great for the children to experience the facilities and resources that our community is very fortunate to benefit from. If you haven’t been for a while, we would highly recommend calling in at some point…


Congratulations to our Year 3 and 4 Netballers who did really well at Priestlands on Wednesday. On top of representing themselves and the school brilliantly with their positive play and teamwork, 'team 2' came back with a medal for finishing 2nd place. Great achievements all round!


Friday saw us raise money for Red Nose Day. It was wonderful to see the school so colourful and, on top of that, our community raised £226.00 for an amazing cause. I spoke with the children during assembly about the good that the money does. On behalf of the people who benefit, thank you!


Finally, a BIG thank you to everyone who came to see our Mother’s Day assemblies on Tuesday. As last year, they were really popular and it was great to see so many of you there! Thank you once again for your patience – we had aimed to do them on Friday 8th March but there were just so many things going on that we couldn’t fit everything in – and also flexibility: sadly, the hall just isn’t big enough to do one for everyone.


Here’s looking forward to another great week…!



Mr T’s Weekly Review: 4th to 8th March 2024

Hello everyone and welcome to a new weekly, feature. The children, staff and I want to share with you the amazing things that happen at LJS during term time, as soon after they happen as possible…and what a week to start us off!


Our theme for the week was inspirational women. This was to tie in with International Women’s day on Friday and Mother’s Day yesterday. The highlights of our inspirational week included:


Sport events: Well done to all the children that took part in the Indoor Athletics competition for Years 3 to 6 at Priestlands on Wednesday. They ran, jumped and threw with skill and enthusiasm; representing the school brilliantly in the process. Great work everyone!


World Book Day: Thursday saw what for many of us is our annual highlight: World Book Day.  The children and staff dressed up as book characters; enjoyed stories and swapped books. I absolutely adore the fun, colour and excitement that the day brings to the school. Fun and inspirational: a perfect combination!


Our wonderful week culminated on International Women’s Day itself with a ‘fantastic Friday’.


School Council trip to London: Our brilliant School Council went on their annual trip to London. This amazing day saw the children travel to/from the capital by train and tour the Houses of Parliament as usual. This year’s ‘special extra’ was a tour round Westminster Abbey. It was a truly inspirational day and even made the 6am start bearable..!


Girls’ Football World Record: Meanwhile, back at base the rest of the children took part in a National record attempt to have as many girls as possible playing football at the same time. At LJS, all the children (boys and girls) got involved and we were able to contribute 98 girls towards the official record attempt. Fingers crossed as many other schools as possible took part too..!


I would like to say a particularly BIG thank you to all the children, parents and staff for their input last week. Whether it was with costumes; getting to trains on time; encouragement or, most importantly, getting involved with the fun: these amazing opportunities couldn’t

happen without it!












