
Lymington Junior School

Learning Joy Success


Our Approach

At Lymington Junior School we pride ourselves on our ‘open door’ policy. We attempt to provide families with access to the information they need to aid and enjoy their children’s success at school in ways that can be accessed by them independently.


We are acutely aware, particularly in modern times, people are routinely bombarded with information which can lead to ‘information overload’.


In order to avoid this, we do our best to limit our communication in order to only provide that which is important, interesting and/or useful.


Our methods of communication are laid out below:


General Communication (School to Home)

• Online calendar of events on the school website

• Monthly whole school newsletter containing useful updates

• Half termly safeguarding newsletter

• Emails as required (these may be individual, class/year group based or whole school)

• Year group messages via Google Classroom

• Phone calls as required


General Communication (Home to School)

• Mrs Rose (our Family Support Worker) is available on the gate every morning Monday to Thursday

• Teachers are available at collection time after school for an informal chat

• Emails to the school office:

• Emails to year teams:

• Telephone the school office (01590 674383)

• Drop in to the school office: 8am-4pm

• Appointments can be made with any staff member via the school office or using the methods of contact above.


Please note: Schools are very busy places. While the staff strive to respond to email communication as quickly as possible, emails are only checked during school opening hours and around all of their other front facing commitments.


If a message is urgent, please speak to someone face to face or by telephone.


Communication regarding what your child is learning and how they are progressing

• Curriculum overviews available on the school’s website

• Termly curriculum presentation evenings by year group staff

• Half termly curriculum presentations available on the school’s website.

• Parents evening sessions (Autumn & Spring)

• Optional parents evening session (Summer)

• SEND parent consultation sessions

• Important information available ‘live’ through the school’s Parent App:

- Attendance

- Attainment in all subjects (updated termly)

• Celebration posts on the school’s Social Media platforms (Facebook, Twitter & Instagram)

• Annual class assemblies

• Meet the teacher evenings (ready for start of the new school year)

• End of year evaluation


What to do if you are unsure about anything

• Access as many of the information streams above as possible

• Speak informally to Mrs Rose and /or the teachers ‘on the gate’ before/after school

• Reach out to the office staff who will answer queries themselves or connect you with the person that can

• Visit the other pages of our website which contain lots of useful information, particularly regarding: Policies, routines and the school’s curriculum.


We hope by ensuring that everyone has access to all the information in the ways listed above, we will continue to build upon the positive working relationships with our families which we value so highly.
