
Lymington Junior School

Learning Joy Success


Taking pride in school is an important part of being successful. One way of showing it, and sharing a sense of identity, is through school uniform and personal appearance. All children are expected to come to school appropriately presented. We would ask that children do not have extreme fashion haircuts, dye or style their hair inappropriately. We appreciate your support in this matter.


To help families with this approach as much as possible, our uniform is flexible and most items can be readily bought from many high street outlets, including supermarkets.


All school branded items of uniform, identified below, are available via the school office.


Standard School Uniform Options

  • White polo shirt
  • Black/grey skirt or trousers/tailored shorts
  • Blue checked dress 
  • Grey or white socks 
  • School jumper or hoody with school logo (available from school office and online or in store PMG New Milton)


Games / PE Kit

  • House colour PE top (available from school office only)
  • Blue/Black shorts
  • Tracksuit or joggers and warm top for winter games.
  • Optional hooded sweatshirt with school logo (available from the school office and online or in store at PMG New Milton)
  • Spare socks
  • Appropriate trainers (socks need to be worn)


Footwear, Coats & Other Items

A pair of sensible black shoes, but not trainers or plimsolls, are appropriate for standard uniform footwear. Please avoid shoes with high heels or wedges in interests of safety.


In the summer we ask that children wear socks with any open toe sandals as this helps to provide some protection for their exposed toes.


In adverse weather, children need to come to school wearing an appropriate coat. 


The children can bring in their own art apron for use in school if they would like to. This however is not a requirement as we have aprons for the children to borrow in school. If brought in from home, please ensure the apron covers up your child’s arms as 'bib aprons' do not usually provide enough protection from enthusiastically applied paint and clay!


Jewellery, Sun hats, Sun Cream and Water Bottles

In general, for reasons of safety, children are not allowed to wear items of jewellery to school, including earrings. If deciding to do so, we would ask that your child's ears be pierced for the first time at the beginning of a summer holiday period so that they are healed, and able to be removed, before starting back at school.


Watches may be worn to school but we cannot accept responsibility for any damage or loss.


Children are encouraged to have a hat during the summer months. This must be clearly labelled with your child’s name. The school would prefer parents to apply sun cream in the morning before school. The latest guidelines would indicate that children should then be protected throughout the day. In extreme heat the children’s outside playtime may be limited to ensure their safety.


Children are encouraged to bring water bottles to school throughout the year, particularly  in the summer term. Please ensure that your child's bottle has a 'sports cap' as this can prevent water from spilling over their hard work in class.


Please ensure that all items of school clothing are clearly labelled with your child’s name.

We recognise that in the current climate and with prices increasing that uniform can be expensive. With that in mind, we do have a selection of pre-loved uniform that has been donated.

If you would like to have a discussion about this please contact Heidi Rose our Family Support Worker.

Uniform Policy
