Learning Joy Success
At LJS, we recognise that some children may experience specific barriers to their learning which are in addition to those routinely experienced by other children in their year group. Such children may need support which is additional to, or different from, their peers at some point during their school career.
Where a child has a special need (as referenced in the policy below), the school will strive to work in close partnership with parents and other professionals to make all reasonable adjustments to provision in order to maximise success for the child involved.
The School’s SEND Policy (available below) is monitored and reviewed on an annual basis and reflects our school's commitment to facilitating the best possible opportunities for all our pupils.
Information about the Hampshire Local Offer can be found here.
Our main point of contact for SEND is:
Mrs Clare Colmer (SENDCo)
Lymington Junior school
Avenue Road,
S041 9GP
Tel: 01590 674383
Email: inclusion@lymingtonjuniorschool.com
Should you need to, you can also access Impartial Special Educational Needs and Disability Information, Advice and Support here.