
Lymington Junior School

Learning Joy Success

Who’s Who

Our School's Senior Leadership Team (SLT)


Mr D Twyman

Mr E Page

Mrs C Colmer

Mrs L Solly

Mr L Burton

At LJS we have a dedicated team of staff who work hard to ensure that all children receive the appropriate support and guidance they need to flourish.


Our School's Staff Team 




Mr D Twyman 

(Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead)


Deputy Headteacher

 Mr E Page

(Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead)

Inclusion Leader (SENDCo)


Mrs C Colmer

 (Designated Safeguarding Lead)

Teaching Staff



Mr L Burton

Mr R Dando

Mrs L Daniel

Miss B Cooper

Mrs E Hussey

Miss E Morris

Mrs H Murts

Mrs J Ross

Miss R White

Miss E Wyeth


Family Support Worker/ELSA

(Monday to Thursday)

Mrs H Rose 

(Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead)

Teaching Assistants



Mrs T Bartlett

Miss K Bithell

Miss J Black

Mrs B Brotherton

Miss D Crabb

Mrs H Dimmick

Mrs K Lambley

Mr L McKernon

Miss J Philps

Mrs Z Robbins

Mrs M Samel

Mrs E Thomas (HLTA)


School Business Manager


Senior Admin Assistant


Mrs L Solly


Mrs B Tombleson



Mr B Woodford
